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Frequently Asked Questions (Dye House):

Top questions from customers big and small, we try to help everyone as much as we can. Didn't have your questions answered? Feel free to contact us!


Do you have a minimum?


Yes. Our minimum is 40lbs per load/color. Even if the minium is not met, you will be charged 40lbs.


Can you dye sample loads or sample yardage?


We can dye sample loads and yardage. 40lbs minimum charge will still be applied.


Do you work with individual customers or do you work with only big companies?

We work with individuals as well. A lot of times, individual customers don't have extra fabric of what they want to dye so the outcome of the customer's garment/fabric will vary and we cannot guarantee results.


I want to use eco-friendly products, do you have dyes that are eco-friendly?


The dyes we currently use are mainly for natural fibers, i.e. cotton, bamboo, silk, etc... This dye is called Direct Dye. It uses less water and energy per load/color compared to other dyes.


Can you dye rolls of fabric?


Yes. We can dye fabric, but the fabric has to be cut into maximum of 5 yard panels and bartacked on the selvage. *cutting and bartacking charge may apply


Do you do tie-dye or dip dye?


Unfortunately we don't do these type of dyeing.


Can you wash rolls of fabric?


Yes, we can wash fabrics. Depending on the yardage, it may have to be cut.


What's your turnaround time for lab dips and production?


Lab dips can be 1-2 weeks depending on the color and if we can get the color at one try. After lab dip is approved, turnaround for production will be 1-2 weeks.

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